
A selection of personal and professional projects

CDC - Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations

What if we were to change the way we think and manufacture digital services in order to address new societal challenges? The challenging goal of this project was to design a methodology tool that will help develop several digital platforms by taking a close consideration to ethics, eco-design and inclusivity. We worked in pair during 6 months, from the ideation, research, conceptualization and prototyping of a solution that was selected by the partner and launched for further development. We therefore had the chance to showcase our concept during the Nantes Digital Week and in Paris at the C.D.C headquarters, where we participated in a workshop to develop our concept with their design team. (Crédits: Louis Richard Marschal, Duaa Ali, Matthieu Gioani)

AniWay - Animal care service

Introducing AniWay: Your one-step solution for connecting with fellow animal lovers and caring for your companion! With AniWay, you can easily track your pet's data, receive expert advice, and join a supportive community that understands to your pet's unique needs.
Developed over 12 months as my master's degree project, AniWay is a conceptual project that aims to highlight the vital bond between animals and humans while offering practical solutions for their well-being. Starting from my master research thesis, I investigated the social relationship between animals and humans, in order to show the importance of their role in our society and the responsibility we have toward animals. My idea was to create solution through an adaptive digital platform that fills the gap between pet owners and comprehensive care.

Earth rotation - The basic principles

Biomimicry - Museum of Natural History

We worked in a team of four to develop an interactive experience for the Museum of Natural History of Nantes that would help visitors visualize and understand the principle of pioneer plants. The project was developed over 4 months, my role was to participate in the ideation of the concept, user experience, prototyping and modelling of the final physical object. For which I used several technics of woodworking and laser engraving. I also managed, along with the rest of the team, the introduction and exposition of our project in the museum during a two days event. (Credits: Yingjun Zhao, Loïc Prevost, Aman Srivastava)

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Concept - Polybud

The Polybud is a conceptual project designed for daily usage: optimized for music listening and communication when practicing physical activities. The ear bud can be used singularly or in pair, thanks to its versatility and simple mechanics it is compatible with both ears.

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Nike - Linear Flow

The concept is based on the key-word "Linear Flow" which i have defined as a line flux moving into space. The objective is to combine the identity of the legendary Nike Air Max 1 with the Linear Flow concept. To achieve this goal i have created a custom design for Nike Air Max model using a complex set of lines. I have imagined this Line set by studying air movement and aerodynamics to make it fit the shoe model.

CTA 18 - Conference

The cardioid microphone symbolizes free speech, on a technical level it is considered one of the best solutions for vocal recording. The vintage look offers a much stronger visual identity and reminds fundamental functions of a microphone: spread your own voice, make a speech, share ideas and obviously record your voice in order to leave tracks of your opinions. I imagined and modeled the symbol in order to easily recognize a cardioid microphone, I then edited it with a more modern look as a sign of innovation. The lines on the background represent the diffusion of sound and combination of different opinions.

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Maison Le Roux - Internship

Maison Le Roux is a luxury chocolate and caramel factory based in Paris and Brittany. Mid-2022 I joined them for a 6 months internship as a graphic designer and art director and I collaborated with the marketing department to help develop the brand's identity, imagine and suggest creative concept to decline for print, web and retail.  I had the chance to work several projects in packaging, photography, illustration, project managing and more. In october 2022 we participated in the well-known Salon Du Chocolat and was in charge of designing the retail stand for Maison Le Roux. Working in a small team gave me the opportunity to understand several challenges that small companies must face, such as limited resources problem-solving and quick thinking. I progressively gained confidence and was trusted with more responsibilities to collaborate with the general direction and several external actors like designers, suppliers and I now frequently keep working with Maison Le Roux as a freelance designer.

Swatch - Rorschach

Rorschach is a fictional character from Watchmen universe, an anti-hero that symbolises "moral absolutism: good and evil without shade of grey". Its appearance is inspired by Rorschach psychology tests. I have worked on these ambiguous shapes to design a new custom design without any shades of grey. A contrasted black and white watch available in two different versions.